Read more about our success stories

Creative teacher motivates students to be more active

The BOKS project was implemented in an elementary school in South Central Timor Regency by Mrs. Elan, a young and creative teacher. She combined BOKS and PE materials to create fun and engaging physical education lessons, leading to a significant improvement in the students' enthusiasm for exercise. The BOKS project, a collaboration between WVI and Sun Life, enhanced the PE curriculum by incorporating cognitive training and education on healthy nutrition. Mrs. Elan's dedication and innovative approach have made a positive impact on the students, and she has received strong support from her colleagues and the school principal. Currently, the BOKS program is being implemented for all students from grades one to four, with Mrs. Elan successfully motivating the children to embrace physical activity and exercise.


Inclusive: A Healthy Walk and Advocacy for the Rights of Disabled Children

an unforgettable day for Iren, a blind student with a beautiful voice, and her friends from four Special Education Schools (SLB) in Kupang City. They participated in a Healthy Walk and Campaign for the Rights of Children with Disabilities during a car-free day, demonstrating inclusivity, enthusiasm, and determination. The event was a testament to the talents and skills of children with disabilities, seeking to challenge stereotypes and promote their rights. It was a day filled with joy, empowerment, and a powerful message of inclusiveness and equality.


Teman Kincir Boost Children's Enthusiasm for Physical Activity at RPTRA

Haris, from an RPTRA in East Jakarta, collaborates closely with Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) to plan activities for children. The Build Our Kids Success (BOKS) program, started in January 2024, has significantly increased children's involvement at the RPTRA. A group of young volunteers, called WVI's Kind Circle, has been instrumental in the success of the BOKS program. Their presence has increased children's participation and helped manage activities at the RPTRA effectively. Haris has committed to organizing activities at the RPTRA whenever possible.


Jakarta's Kids are Keeping a Healthy Journal

The Build Our Kids Success (BOKS) curriculum was applied during sports class at the school by Restu, a sports teacher from an elementary school in East Jakarta. In addition to introducing engaging physical activities, he came up with creative ways to raise kids' knowledge of the benefits of leading active, healthy lives. Among his strategies was assigning the task of maintaining a health log for the students. Some students came to the realization that they could keep up their eating habits, sleeping schedules, and exercise routines as a result of this project.


Teachers Initiate, Parents Taking Part, Children's Nutrition Fulfilled

Leading a school that is on the edge of a cliff with difficult road access does not break Mr. Stefanus' enthusiasm in transforming his school into a Healthy School. This actually makes Mr Stef even more enthusiastic about proving that the elementary school he leads, even though it is in the 3T area, is also capable of providing quality education for children!


A Living Proof that Sports Teachers are Fun and Creative!

Based on Pak. Ade's strong desire to become a fun and creative sports teacher, Pak. Ade got the opportunity to become one of the teachers who taught the BOKS program. Read the full story here!


Maintaining Food Safety Through BOKS Program

Maintaining food security in the 3T (Terdepan, Terluar, Tertinggal: Forefront, Outermost, Disadvantaged) areas is indeed a challenge in itself, especially in Buar Village, Manggarai district has difficulty accessing water in the dry season. However, this did not discourage the teachers at SDI Ntala from teaching the importance of maintaining food safety both at school and at home.


Solutions for Active Children in the Middle of Fasting

Even though it was carried out during the fasting month, teachers and children still found the BOKS Ladders game interesting and fun. As a variation, teachers can also change the questions in each box so that children are even more challenged to answer them. In several schools, such as SDN Cipinang Muara 18 and SDN Balimester 06, teachers and principals also play together with other children. This is especially fun for children because they can see teachers and even principals giving examples of BOKS movements and answering questions given in each box.


Fulfilling Children’s Rights to Move through BOKS!

The BOKS program is a physical activity habituation program, balanced nutrition education, and a healthy lifestyle through various interesting and fun activities. Through the BOKS program, teachers and principals are given the capacity to be able to facilitate and support the habituation of children's physical activities through fun sports activities, physical play activities such as ice breaking at the start or in between lessons, and reactivating gymnastics culture, provide an understanding of balanced nutrition and food safety in daily practice, as well as getting students used to bringing drinking water to school.


Increasing Student Motivation in Post-COVID19 School Recovery Plan through the BOKS Program

During 35-minutes of the BOKS session, kids will be challenged to move around using functional fitness skills to increase their heart rate using five different sections: warming up, running-related activity, the skill of the week session, games and cooling down. Alongside the importance of physical activity, kids will be learned how to corporate their knowledge about healthy food into their diet in the last five minutes before the session end. All activities have been carefully curated to match children’s conditions and contained engaging activities. By combining an active life and understanding of nutrition, the BOKS program believes this will establish a lifelong commitment to better health and fitness in generations ahead.


The BOKS Program Assists Facilitation of Fun Physical Activities in Limited Space And Equipment

Less conducive school field condition has not decreased the excitement of teachers and students in Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) assistance school to do physical activities. SDN Rawa Bunga 11, for example, has to share its school field because there are two primary schools in one school building. A similar condition also happens to SDN Kampung Melayu 01 and SDN Kampung Melayu 02 which should share one school rooftop due to the lack of space in their school. Through BOKS (Build Our Kids' Success) program, teachers in five WVI-assisted schools in Jakarta has been capacitated to conduct active, dynamic and fun physical activities for children despite having limited space and facilities in their schools.


Ema, A Neighborhood Athlete Who Becomes a Master Trainer!

For Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) assisted schools in Jakarta, Ema's presence at school is always anticipated by both teachers and children. Not infrequently the children ran to greet her even though Ema was still in the school parking area. Understandably, Ema is familiar with and often works with schools around WVI's assisted areas. One of them was when he served as regional coordinator for the BOKS program in the Jakarta area.