BOKS Indonesia

From One-School In Massachusetts To 10,000+ Enrollments Worldwide

BOKS Indonesia

The BOKS Program, initiated in America, has succeeded in helping children live happy and healthy lives in developed countries such as Canada and Japan. Wahana Visi Indonesia is honored to implement the BOKS program in Indonesia, the first developing country to run BOKS. In partnership with schools and local government, the BOKS program will be continued through 2024 with the target of reaching more children and making them familiar with physical activities and eating healthy.

Our Mission

Make physical activity and play part of every child's day.

Our Vision

A healthier and happier generation of active kids

BOKS Indonesia
BOKS Indonesia
BOKS Indonesia

Inspired by Science

BOKS was inspired by the book Spark, which found:

Exercise is… “Miracle-Grow for the Brain”

Aerobic activity shaped 19,000 students from Naperville, Illinois making them the fittest and some of the smartest in the Nation.

“Exercise is the single most powerful tool that we have to optimize the function of our brains.”

- John J. Ratey, MD

BOKS Indonesia
Programs such as BOKS that help children not only develop healthy habits to promote optimal growth trajectories but also promote social and emotional skills that can help them better handle stress, peer interactions, and negative feelings are just what children need and should be broadly scaled. The program’s being school-based and run by volunteers gives it the potential of affecting a large number of children equitably without the need for substantial resources.
Elsie Taveras, MD
MPH, Chief of the MGHfC Division of General Academic Pediatrics
BOKS Indonesia
BOKS Indonesia
Better standardized ELA test results
BOKS Indonesia
Improved shift and working memory skills
BOKS Indonesia
Decreased body fat percentage; increased cardiovascular endurance; increased activity time outside of BOKS
BOKS Indonesia
Increased knowledge of nutritional and healthy living concepts

2023 BOKS By The Numbers

BOKS Indonesia

IN 2023


BOKS Indonesia
BOKS Indonesia

Schools in 2023


BOKS Indonesia

Communities in 2023


In the News

Read about BOKS 


Pelatihan Guru Dan Kepala Sekolah Luar Biasa Untuk Pendidikan Yang Inklusif Di Pulau Timor

EXPONTT.COM – Program BOKS (Build Our Kids’ Success) yang diimplementasikan oleh Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), berkolaborasi dengan Prodi Penjaskesrek FKIP Universitas Nusa Cendana Kupang, mengadakan Pelatihan Guru Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) se-kota Kupang pada 18-20 Januari 2024. Pelatihan ini diikuti 20 guru kelas dan guru olah raga (PJOK) dari 14 Sekolah Dasar (SD), serta kepala sekolah dari 4 SLB (Sekolah Luar Biasa) di Kota Kupang. Dengan dukungan Sun Life, langkah ini merupakan upaya Program BOKS dalam perluasan pendampingan untuk melibatkan semakin banyak anak di Kawasan Pulau Timor.Pelatihan ini berfokus pada aktivitas fisik yang menyenangkan dan pembelajaran gizi berimbang yang sesuai ketunaan siswa. Pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah berkebutuhan khusus, sehingga Program BOKS tidak hanya menjadi sarana untuk meningkatkan aktivitas fisik, tetapi juga menjadi wahana pembelajaran yang inklusif untuk mendukung perkembangan optimal setiap siswa, tanpa terkecuali.

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BOKS is a free physical activity program for kids of all ages and abilities.

The BOKS program includes lesson plans, training, and support needed to get kids moving for up to 45 minutes a day. It also includes shorter movement breaks, games, and activities tailored to your needs as an educator or parent.

BOKS Indonesia
BOKS Indonesia


Kids are not getting enough physical activity.

Regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and manage non-communicable diseases, and help with physical health, mental health issues, and academic performance and yet, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 81% of adolescents do not do enough physical activity.


Anyone can be a BOKS Trainer!

Whether you are a physical education leader, classroom teacher, youth development professional or parent volunteer, BOKS provides all the training and resources you need to run a successful program.

BOKS Indonesia
BOKS Indonesia


YES - 100% FREE!

BOKS is free to enroll in and to use. Many games, activities, and movement breaks are equipment free as well.


Unlimited access to our lesson plans trainings and resources.

Once you sign-up, you will be given access to our Trainer Hub. This Hub holds everything you need to run a successful BOKS program as well as all the extra games and activities we release monthly.

BOKS Indonesia
BOKS Indonesia


Sign up your school, classroom, youth organization or household.

Click the “Sign-Up” button to get started! Once you are in the Trainer Hub the New Trainer On-boarding Module under TRAINING is a great place to start your journey!CLICK HERE TOSign Up


Learn more about the BOKS Indonesia Team

Saskia Panggabean

BOKS Indonesia Team Leader

Contact Info

Otniel Rissy

BOKS Coordinator for East Nusa Tenggara

Contact Info

Donna Marietha

BOKS Coordinator for Jakarta

Contact Info

Reski Gitami

Digital Marketing and Content Specialist

Contact Info

Hendrikus Serani

Finance Coordinator Cluster

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Stephanie Yessica

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Coordinator

Contact Info