an unforgettable day for Iren, a blind student with a beautiful voice, and her friends from four Special Education Schools (SLB) in Kupang City. They participated in a Healthy Walk and Campaign for the Rights of Children with Disabilities during a car-free day, demonstrating inclusivity, enthusiasm, and determination. The event was a testament to the talents and skills of children with disabilities, seeking to challenge stereotypes and promote their rights. It was a day filled with joy, empowerment, and a powerful message of inclusiveness and equality.
Iren, a visually impaired student with a beautiful singing voice, had a remarkable experience on Saturday, April 20, 2024. On that day, Iren and her fellow disabled students from four Special Education Schools (SLB) in Kupang City took part in a Healthy Walk and Campaign for the Rights of Children with Disabilities during a car-free day. This event was made possible through the collaboration of all SLBs in Kupang City, the Education Office and BPMP of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Penjaskesrek Study Program from Nusa Cendana University (UNDANA), the East Nusa Tenggara Autism Service Center, Garamin (People with Disabilities Organisation), Wahana Visi Indonesia, and other organizations devoted to the well-being of people with disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara.
Despite having to wake up earlier than usual, Iren expressed no complaints. She eagerly looked forward to the day's activities, particularly the opportunity to showcase her melodious voice through singing. Such chances were rare for Iren.
"I'm thrilled to take part in this event. I can sing and interact with my friends here," shared Iren.
Apart from singing, Iren and her friends engaged in various physical activities. For Iren, physical activities had become routine after her SLB collaborated with the BOKS project.
"My friends and I at school also learn movements taught by the BOKS project. This has made us more eager to participate in lessons and, of course, has improved our overall fitness," mentioned the sixth-grade student at one of the SLBs in Kupang City.
"We are elated and eager because through this event, the general public can witness the capabilities of students from SLBs. It's essential to dispel the misconception that students in SLBs receive inadequate education. In reality, these students possess numerous skills due to the guidance we offer. Our aim is for the community to recognize that students from SLBs can actively engage with wider society," stated Mrs. Amini, the Chair of the Musyawarah Kepala Sekolah (MKKS) SLB se-Kota Kupang. Mrs. Amini's message encapsulates the primary objective of this event.
In addition to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle among children, the event sought to advocate for equal rights for children with disabilities. Inclusivity was the driving force behind this event. Children with disabilities had the opportunity to participate and showcase the talents they had honed while receiving education at SLB. It was evident that children with disabilities possessed remarkable skills, as numerous visitors to the car-free day were astonished and captured by their awe-inspiring performances.
"I hope this event becomes a regular occurrence so that children with disabilities, who possess diverse talents, can display their abilities. People must recognize that children with disabilities are talented and capable individuals. They should never be underestimated," expressed Mrs. Yanti, Iren's mother.